Conduct is an annual electronic music festival organised by members of s.v.i.d. Lucid, the study association of industrial design at the technical university of Eindhoven. This festival incorporates live-acts, Dj's and workshops to create an unforgettable experience.

For the third edition of the festival I was co-responsible for the acquisition. By doing the acquisition I gained experience in storytelling, value proposition and pitching. I also contributed to the concept development and experience design.The theme of the festival was "the past and the future". To tell the story we incorporated a time-machine experience, which I was responsable for together with another colleague. We made a time machine out of a elevator guided by actors who played mad scientists. I created a custom time-machine sound design mapped to the duration of the elevators ride to increase the immersiveness and credibility of the time machine. The sound design can be heared below.

To the future
Sound design, time machine Conduct festival
Back in time
Sound design, time machine Conduct festival
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