My first EP made in collaboration with the artist Dalai Dunce.
This EP covers the existential subject: The essence of life, and how to find it.
Ask questions to yourself and about the things you see around you like explained in ?(On Your Mind), when you ask certain questions you may find that you want to change something in your life. Then you can set your goals as explained in Treasure Hunt. However while achieving these goals and while you ask those questions it is important to appreciate where you are (Derrière) and appreciate the moment itself like described in Natures Delight. We've experienced that when fully living up tho these things we felt at our best and thus the key to how to find the essence of our life. We accentuate the notion that we don't claim any of our observations to be true, we just want to share this perspective.
Complete with three different videoclips taking the listener into our world and accentuating the messages.